Knowledge in Important topics

Network operating system

Extra topics and important ones for nos


Important topics of conveyors from the chapter transport of solids

Numericals unit 1 bce

unit 1 important question for numericals

important topics unit 1 plant design

important topics of plant design unit 1, chemical engineering 3rd year

important questions pdc

all important topics and important questions of unit 1,2,3 of pdc , chemical engineering 3rd year

important note tp

important topics and questions of tp for chemical engineering 3rd year

Cloning introduction with advantages, disadvantages and conclusion.

Introduction to cloning. Meaning of cloning. Evolution of cloning. Is human cloning possible? Advantages and disadvantages of cloning with conclusion.

Pharmacology II important topics (MUHS)

This includes all the important questions chapter wise in pharmacology paper 2. These are most frequently asked topics in university exams of MUHS.

FMT important topics MUHS

The important topics of forensic medicine and toxicology which are frequently asked in university exams chapterwise distribution .

Pathology paper I important topics muhs

This includes all the important topics of pathology paper I which is frequently asked in university exams. This covers general pathology and haematology.

Pathology paper II important topics muhs

This includes important topics of pathology paper II which is frequently asked in university exams. It contains systemic pathology

engineering chemistry -Phase Rule very Important

Engineering chemistry is the basic subject which deals with all types of materials and helps you in preparing in details with a short info.