Knowledge in computer science major

Computer graphics Q&A

THIS CLIP CONSISTS OF VARIOUS SET OF QUESTIONS OF COMPUTER GRAPHICS ASKED IN A VIVA OR AN INTERVIEW. for example: what is rotation? ; what is winding number? ;what is cubical spline? Etc. Questions can be used for reference and preparation purpose. also find the video of relevant knowledge-

Design and Analysis of Algorithms Part - 05

This core course covers good principles of algorithm design, elementary analysis of algorithms, and fundamental data structures. The emphasis is on choosing appropriate data structures and designing correct and efficient algorithms to operate on these data structures.

Design and Analysis of Algorithms Hand Written Notes

Computer Science and Engineering This core course covers good principles of algorithm design, elementary analysis of algorithms, and fundamental data structures. The emphasis is on choosing appropriate data structures and designing correct and efficient algorithms to operate on these data structures.

Design and Analysis of Algorithms Hand Written Notes

Computer Science and Engineering This core course covers good principles of algorithm design, elementary analysis of algorithms, and fundamental data structures. The emphasis is on choosing appropriate data structures and designing correct and efficient algorithms to operate on these data structures.

Object Oriented Programming Through Java Part -1 (Introduction)

OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING (OOP) is a programming concept that works on the principles of abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. ... The basic concept of OOPs is to create objects, re-use them throughout the program, and manipulate these objects to get results. This is a ppt consisting of Introduction in Object Oriented Programming Through Java