Knowledge in c++ basic

C++ basics

all basics of c++

C++ (Handwritten Notes)

Here are the proper handwritten notes of c++ language (object oriented programming) covering the syllabus of 1st semester of Generic elective computer science (Introduction to Programming) of delhi university. If you are going to pursue B.Sc honors at delhi university then in 1st,2nd, 3rd and 4th semester you need to choose one subject of your choice as generic elective. If you choose computer science as generic elective in your first semester then these notes are going to help you a lot.


1.1 Programming Paradigms 1.2 Basic concepts Of Object Oriented Programming 1.3 Benefits Of OOP 1.3.1 Structure of C++ 1.3.2 Application of C++ 1.4 Tokens, Keywords, Constants 1.4.1 Data Types 1.4.2 Operators And Expressions 1.4.3 Control Flow 1.4.4 Arrays 1.4.5 Strings 1.4.6 Pointers 1.5 Classes and Objects 1.5.1 Specifying a Class 1.5.2 Creating objects 1.5.3 Accessing class Members 1.6 Functions in C++ 1.7 Constructors and Destructor

C++ Basic Introduction

Introduction of c++ is given

History of Basic c++

History of c++ its keywords, tokens and basic examples is given. all the details are included

Data Types of Basic C++

Modifiers and Built-in data types are given

variable Rules and Scopes C++

Variables and it's naming rules, Constant, Scopes, Strong class

Types of Operator in C++

The operator of c++ is given

Expression in Basic C++

Expression in c++ and its types are given.

Type Casting in c++

Typecasting explain in detail in this

Control Structure in c++

Control Structure types are given and briefly explain here

Advanced Operators in c++

Advantages of operators are given and explain in details so you will understand easily