Knowledge in Operating system

system calls of operating systems

system calls and their functions

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Operating system

All the basics about operating systems and other computer basics for beginner to intermediate level.

Types of Operating System

Types of Operating Systems Following are some of the most widely used types of Operating system. **Simple Batch System **Multiprogramming Batch System **Multiprocessor System **Desktop System **Distributed Operating System **Clustered System **Realtime Operating System **Handheld System ; Among all above types, mainly five are widely known and studied.

Tutorial Operating System

Operating System Tutorial learning diploma level knowledge

Abraham Silberschatz-Operating System Concepts (9th,2012.12)

Abraham Silberschatz-Operating System Concepts (9th,2012.12)

Operating Systems Lecture Vise Concepts

Introduction to Operating System , System View, User View, Types of Operating system, Mainframe system, Batch System , Time-sharing system, distributed system, Multiprocessor system. Operating System Generations , System Call , File Management, Kernel of a system , layered approach, micro-kernel, virtual machine and it's implementation . Java and it's concepts, Java Objects, java class file, host system.

Operating System lectures

Concept of Scheduling , Concept Of Thread, Concept of Process, Process Vs Thread, Advantage of thread over process.Context switching and it's use and advantage, multi-threading system, many thread system. CPU scheduling, preemptive scheduling, dispatcher.

operating systems lectures

Scheduling algorithm, and it's criteria, CPU utilization, throughput, Turn Around Time , Waiting Time, Response Time. Types Of Scheduling Algorithm. First Come First Served Scheduling, Shortest Job First Scheduling, priority scheduling, Round Robin Scheduling.

Overview of operating system.

This document contains the overview of operating system. Operating system is defined as a program that act as intermediate between user of a computer and computer hardware.