Knowledge in Mathematics

Handwritten notes Statistics Part 12

Given below are the notes for mathematics students, studying the subject Probability & statistics. The attachement includes handwriiten notes on statistics. #VIT Chennai

Handwritten notes Statistics Part 13

Given below are the notes for mathematics students, studying the subject Probability & statistics. The attachement includes handwriiten notes on statistics. #VIT Chennai

Handwritten notes Statistics Part 14

Given below are the notes for mathematics students, studying the subject Probability & statistics. The attachement includes handwriiten notes on statistics. #VIT Chennai

Handwritten unit 5 maths semester 3

Handwritten notes available for semester 3 students of mathematics. Useful for preparation and revision purpose. #VIT Chennai

Handwritten unit 5 maths semester 3 part2

Handwritten notes available for semester 3 students of mathematics. Useful for preparation and revision purpose. #VIT Chennai

Handwritten unit 5 maths semester 3 part3

Handwritten notes available for semester 3 students of mathematics. Useful for preparation and revision purpose. #VIT Chennai

Handwritten unit 5 maths semester 3 part4

Handwritten notes available for semester 3 students of mathematics. Useful for preparation and revision purpose. #VIT Chennai

Introduction to matrix algebra

Notes for course mathematics available here. The document attached below includes notes on the topics Matrix addition and subtraction, Matrix multiplication, Some special types of square matrix, etc. #VIT Chennai

Worksheet final exam

The knowledge contains notes of the course mathematics. The attachment below contains a worksheet of questions for practice purpose. #VIT Chennai

basics of statistics

basics of statistics


A FIRST COURSE IN PROBABILITY by Sheldon Ross University of Southern California For preparation of interview of Goldman Sachs.

Complex 2

Complex 2