Knowledge in IoT

Interoperability in Internet of Things and Introduction to Arduino Programming – Integration of Sensors and Actuators with Arduino

this ppt has Interoperability in Internet of Things and Introduction to Arduino Programming – Integration of Sensors and Actuators with Arduino for subject IOT.

what is IoT?

this ppt has introduction of what is iot with an example.

Internet of Things and IP addresses related to it.

this ppt had notes on Internet of Things and IP addresses related to it.

Iot-Sensors,Actuation,Shape Memory Polymers and Basics of IoT Networking

this ppt has about subject of Iot-Sensors,Actuation,Shape Memory Polymers and Basics of IoT Networking .

question paper of Internet of things.

THE question paper of subject of Internet of things for MCA or BTECH.

wearable devices and IOT

notes on wearable devices and internet of things. iot .

farm management system using IOT

notes on how a farm management system can be designed using IOT.

Industrial IOT

internet of things ebook