Knowledge in c language

C program to calculate sum of even numbers of n numbers

This file contains all about program and output of sum of even numbers by c language.

Reverse of a number through c language program

This file contains Program and output of reverse of a number using c language.

C program to calculate sum of factorial of n numbers

This file contains all about program and output of sum of factorial of n numbers using c language.

Cube of n numbers program by C

This file contains all about program and output of cube of n numbers using C language.

C program to calculate factorial of a number

This file contains all about program and output of factorial of a number.

C program to calculate power of a number

This file contains all about program and output of power of a number.

Table of a number using c language

This file contains all about program and output of table of a number through c language.

C program to find whether the given number is positive or negative.

This file contains all about program and output to find whether the given number is positive or negative through C language.

Program to find the given number is positive or negative in a creative way through c language.

This file contains all about program and output to find whether the given number is positive or negative through C language in a creative way through c language program.

C Programming basics theory

This file contains all about basics theory of C language.

Turbo C++ Keyboard Shortcuts

This file contains all about shortcut keys of Turbo C++ Compiler.

BCA 2nd semester question paper of Statistics

This file contains Question Paper of BCA 2nd semester Statistics Paper