Knowledge in btech notes

Fundamentals of Hydrology

Contents Hydrology as a science Precipitation Evaporation Storage Run off Flow analysis Water quantity

Hydraulic of spillways

Hydraulic of Spillways & energy dissipators Spillways Energy dissipators Cavitation and energy entrainment Hydraulic modelling

Revit mastering workbook

Revit mastering details 2016 edition All revit practice material Fundamentals Collaboration and teamwork Modelling and massive design Extended modelling techniques Documents

unit-1 Data Structures B-Tech(CSE) IP Universithy

These notes are for the subject Data Structures(Unit-1) in the Fourth Semester of BTech computer science(CSE) ie. the second year These notes are easy to understand and grasp. These will you to score good marks in the exam

Unit 1-3 Maths B-Tech(CSE) IP University

These are the formulas for the subject Applied Maths(AM) in the Fourth Semester of BTech computer science(CSE), ie.the the second year These are easy to understand and grasp. These will you to score good marks in the exam

UNIT-1 Communication System B-Tech(CSE) 4th semester IP University

These notes are for the subject Communication System(CS) in the Fourth Semester of BTech computer science(CSE) ie. the second year These notes are easy to understand and grasp. These will you to score good marks in the exam

CS Unit-2 B-Tech(Computer Science) 4th Semester IP University

These notes are for the subject Communication System (CS) in the Fourth Semester of BTech computer science(CSE) ie. the second year These notes are easy to understand and grasp. These will you to score good marks in the exam

(CS)unit-2 B-Tech(CSE) IP University

These notes are for the subject Communication System(CS) in the Fourth Semester of BTech computer science(CSE) ie. the second year These notes are easy to understand and grasp. These will you to score good marks in the exam.

TOC Akash B-Tech(Computer Science) 4th Semester IP University

This is the Akash for the subject Theory Of Computation in the Fourth Semester of BTech computer science(CSE) ie. the second year. The questions are repeated so study them well and carefully attend them.


The above powerpoint presentation contains all the data about bipolar junction transisitor ( BJT)