Knowledge in beginners

HTML for Beginners

Hi, You can learn about basics of HTML from the following videos. I am providing the link of the html sections in the following article.If you want me to make a video on any other html element Kindly specify it in the comment section or contact me throgh the mail id:- 1. Installing Text Editor(Brackets) link:- 2. Making proper notes of all the html section link:- 3. Headings tag link:- 4. Paragraph tag link:- 5. Links in HTML link:- 6. Inserting Images in HTML link:- 7. Inline vs Block Elements link:- 8. Unordered Lists link:- 9. Ordered Lists link:- If you liked the video give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel Techi Technions

Software Engineering Pressman Book,Notes in PDF and PPT

Available informative documents regarding software Engineering pressman. Attatched are the hindi notes of the subject Software Engineering. Explaining what is software, who does it, what is the importance,what is the work product,etc.


Sharing the notes of MYSQL and, Question and answers of MYSQL for interview purpose also available in the below attatched pdf's. The pdf's include Connecting and Disconnecting, Entering Basic Queries, Creating and Using a Database, etc. If you want to watch video related to MYSQL, Click on this link -


C PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE TUTORIALS :(17 Attachments) EXCEPTION HANDLING :(1 Attachment) The Preprocessor Explained In Detail :(1 Attachment) Everything About Data Types And Variables In C C++ :(1 Attachment) BEST CODING PRACTICES :(2 Attachments) What Is The Best Coding Practice? :(1 Attachment) Exception And Event Handling :(1 Attachment) C programming language tutorials for beginners. Also attached is "let us c'' by yashwant kanetkar, Want to learn C efficiently. Go through these ppts, you'll get what you seek.