Pantam Mahima


Studied at Akshara the school

Chapter-17 colonialism in latin America ,Asia,Africa

In these pdf you are going to learn about colonialism in Latin America,Africa and Asia

9th class social chapter 24 traffic education

In these pdf you are going to learn about traffic education in social studies

Chapter-18 impact of colonialism in India

In these pdf you are going to learn about impact of colonialism in India in social studies

(R-17) 3-2 question bank

3-2 question bank for ECE students. It will help you to clear the backlogs especially R-17 students

2-1 question bank

2-1question bank for ECE students.


In these pdf you are going to learn objectives bits

IS matter pure definition

In these pdf you are going to learn about definition in IS matter is pure

IS matter pure question and answer

In these pdf you are going to learn about is matter is pure question and answer. It will useful for 9th class students

9th class biology 1unit notes

Here cell structure and functions question and answer

9th class mathematics unit 1

Real number is an important topics. It will useful for 9th class students

Magnetic material

In these pdf you are going to learn about magnetic material

Directional derivation

In these pdf you are going to learn about directional derivation