Dipesh Bhatiya

I am Dipesh bhatiya. I am interested in coding,maths and program.ming

Student at Shri Vaishnav Institute of Management

Studied at Shri anand higher secondary school

Certified in Social media marketing

C structure

Knowledge about structure in c language

Inline function and example

Knowledge about inline function.

Call by value in c++

Knowledge about call by value in c++


Knowledge about c++

Sum of square of n numbers

Knowledge about c programing

String in c

This is about the knowledge of string function.


Definition and types of queue

lami's theorem

This is the topic of lami's theorem mostly comes in exams in civil engineering exams

varignen's therom

This knowledge is about varignen's therom mostly comes in exams.


This is the topic of tress mostly comes in exams in civil engineering exams

Oop in c++

Knowledge about c++